Cats are unique in their own way. Once they get attached to their masters, they also show similar characteristics like a dog. They become loyal, protective, and affectionate towards the persons who feed them. Though there are multiple misconceptions regarding cats’ behavioral traits, around 35% of households have at least a cat.

Are you a cat person? If you are, you must be well-acquainted with its various traits and instincts. You may have noticed how your cat loves to fit itself inside every cardboard box it finds. According to behavioral biologists and feline enthusiasts, there are multiple reasons behind your cat being drawn to these boxes. Continue reading to know about these reasons.

  • Safety and security

Almost every animal is serious about its safety and security. When a cat sits inside a box, it gets raised walls all around it. This creates a protective atmosphere for cats. That is why the stray cats keep their kittens inside boxes; as for a mother cat, there is nothing more important than the safety of its kittens. A cardboard box or other boxes play the role of a perfect home for cats. These boxes relieve them from the everyday tension of being hunted by some predator. Living in a box helps the street cats feel tension free and get a sound sleep.

  • Hunting hideouts

The boxes create an appropriate place for hunting hideouts. Cats are known for their exceptional hearing capability. When a cat needs to hunt, it often hides inside a cardboard box or other box. This makes the prey wander around freely without the idea that the cat is nearby. From inside the box, the cat hears the sound of its prey coming close to the box, and finally, it attacks the prey. This hunting technique makes the box the favorite hideout for cats.

  • Inviting and mysterious

Cats are very inquisitive and curious about everything. They love to inspect every object that comes into your house. But they have an exceptional fondness for bags and boxes. They think of spare cardboard boxes as new furniture which fits them perfectly. Not only this, but cats also mark these boxes for later use. Cats try to hide from the crowd when they are sick or injured. If they have a cardboard box near them, they will prefer living there until they are back on their feet.

  • Warmth

Every animal wants to keep them comfortable and warm on winter nights. This can be a reason behind your cat sitting in a box more often. Cardboard is a bad conductor of heat, and that is why it acts as an insulator. Also, the raised walls of a box prevent the breeze from coming in, and covered boxes keep your cat warm. That is why on winter nights a cat goes to its box with its toys and sleeps there.

  • Slumber area

There is a common cat logic – “if it fits, I sit.” The cardboard boxes are of the appropriate size for your cat. That is the reason behind your cat ditching its unique and expensive bed for a cardboard box. Inside such a box, they can sleep in any position they want. Not only this, but a cardboard box also has a nice texture, which allows the cats to rub their body against the wall. This way, cats feel more comfortable to live inside a box.

  • Fun to play with

Cats love the idea of playing on their own inside a cardboard box. Cats are very private animals. Unlike dogs, they love solitude. If you put a few toys inside a box, you will see that the kittens are more comfortable playing inside the box than outside. Cats think of cardboard boxes as their private room. Apart from all these, cardboard makes the hide and seek game to another level for your cat.

Cats are mysterious creatures. Like every other animal, cats also have a preference for particular objects. When it comes to a box, they love it the most. Believe it or not, every animal needs a place to escape when things fall apart for it. Like humans, cats also go through mood swings and other mental issues. If you give them space, they will try to deal with all the problems bothering them. After reading this article, don’t yell at your cat anymore for sitting inside a cardboard box. If possible, set aside one or two packing boxes so that your cat can go and sit inside them.